Top Article Picks

Serving Burlington, Oakville & Surrounding Areas


My Top Article Picks from the Past Three Years

Written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd. 


Our blog has grown tremendously over the last three years, with over 100 posts, each aimed at providing valuable insights into financial planning. In this compilation, I’ve selected the articles that stand out as essential reads, whether you’re just starting your financial journey to retirement or seeking a refresher.

Mindsets For The Transition to Retirement

  1. The Four Pillars to a Successful and Happy Retirement
  2. The Three Stages of Retirement Spending
  3. Six Unique Risks to Retirement Income Planning
  4. 4 Things Retirees Should Know About the 4% Rule
  5. How do you Create a Retirement Road Map?

Creating Your Retirement Income

  1. The Six Levers to Retirement Income Planning
  2. What are the Retirement Income Investment Options?
  3. Retirement Income Withdrawal Strategies
  4. Simplifying the Timing of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) for Retirees
  5. How Much Are You Spending? A Hack to the Inevitable Question Everyone Wishes to Avoid from a CFP® Professional

Paying Less Taxes In Retirement

  1. The Retiree’s Initial Tax Decision
  2. Nine Tax Strategies to Pay Less Tax in Retirement
  3. The Four Types of Income in Retirement
  4. Retirees’ Tax Planning Checklist
  5. Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Income Splitting
  6. Tax Efficient Income Withdrawals
  7. Paying Your Income Taxes in Retirement

Preserving Wealth And Financial Navigation

  1. How to Develop a Diversified Portfolio
  2. RRSP Maturity Options: What you Need to Know
  3. Why Invest in the Stock Market?
  4. How to Navigate a Market Downturn for Retirees
  5. Annuities Update for Retirees: Creating A Personal Pension Plan
  6. What Are Segregated Funds?

Wealth Transfer To The Next Generation

  1. The Three Estate Buckets
  2. The Four Essential Family Conversations
  3. What are the top 25 Estate Planning tips to Consider?
  4. Why Probate may be a good thing!,
  5. Avoid a Huge $$$ mistake. Check your beneficiary designations now!
  6. Should I transfer ownership of my house or investment account into joint ownership with my children to avoid probate fees?

Ensuring Your Families Security

  1. Medical and Health Are Options for Retirees
  2. Protecting your Family – Insurance
  3. What are the key items to consider when reviewing your insurance needs?

For Business Owners

  1. How Business Owners can Increase their Retirement Savings by Investing within their Corporation
  2. How Business Owners can Increase Retirement Savings Using and Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
  3. Seven Strategies to Withdraw Corporate Assets for Retirement

Special Considerations

  1. White Paper: Your Retirement Road Map: How to Make the Transition to Retirement.
  2. Resources to Review As You Approach Retirement
  3. Can we give money to our children to help with a home purchase?
  4. Should I transfer the ownership of my house or investment account into joint ownership with my children to avoid probate fees? 


If you wish to delve deeper into any of these articles, please contact us at 905.332.5503 email:, or use the link to schedule a discussion – CLICK HERE

Jack Lumsden is a Financial Advisor with Assante Financial Management Ltd. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Assante Financial Management Ltd. Please contact him at 905.332.5503 or visit to discuss your circumstances before acting on the information above.

Insurance products are services provided through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

Preserving Wealth




Download Your FREE HARD COPY of our recently published Book PRESERVING WEALTH: THE NEXT GENERATION

The definitive guide to protecting, investing, and transferring wealth.

You can purchase a Hard Copy of Preserving Wealth HERE

Download your FREE copy of our White Paper: “Your Retirement Road Map: How to Make the Transition to Retirement HERE

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