Why the Legacy Conversation is Important

Why the Legacy Conversation is so Important

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® The Legacy conversation is an important talk to have with your children and beneficiaries in order to reduce stress and potential conflict in the future.  It will put your children at ease and provide for peace of mind as they know […]

The Real Affect of Taxes and Inflation on Investment Returns

The Real Affect of Taxes and Inflation on Investment Returns

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® Over the long term, taxation and inflation reduces your real purchasing power. The result can be quite dramatic and must be taken into consideration when investing. How do Taxes and Inflation affect investment returns? “You haven’t considered the other risk factors […]

Earning Investment Income in a Corporation – Budget Update

Earning Investment Income in a Corporation

For your FREE Copy of Preserving Wealth, CLICK HERE Written by: Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd. A great strategy many owners of Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPC) use to build up retirement savings is to invest within their corporation using the benefit of the tax deferral between their personal income tax […]

My Top Article Picks from the Past 3 Years

My top Article Picks from the past three years

Written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.  INTRODUCTION Our blog has grown tremendously over the last three years, with over 100 posts, each aimed at providing valuable insights into financial planning. In this compilation, I’ve selected the articles that stand out as essential reads, whether you’re just starting your financial […]

2022 Year-End Planning Checklist

checklist year end

The end of the year is a great time to take a quick review of your personal finances to determine if you have any action items prior to December 31.   To help this process below is a checklist that covers events, milestones, taxes, insurance, and retirement plans – areas that often need attention prior to […]

Six Unique Risks to Retirement Income Planning

Risks to Retirement

As part of the retirement income planning puzzle, there are several unique risks or challenges that you must account for in your planning for retirement that are different from the risks when simply saving for retirement. Unknown Time Frame – Longevity Risk: No one knows how long they will need their income to last, but […]