Retirement Income Withdrawal Strategies

Retirement Income Withdrawel Strategies

Retirement Income Withdrawal Strategies In our conversations with people making the transition from their working years to retirement, many have done a great job of saving over time. They end up with many potential retirement-income sources but are unsure of how to put it all together.  As a result, retirement income planning has been compared […]

How to Navigate a Market Downturn for Retirees

Navigating Market Downturn

With the market decline this year, people want to know what they can do. The following are suggestions and actions you can take to help navigate a market downturn. Key Suggestions Complete a Portfolio Performance Review The first step is to find out if other portfolios with a similar investment mix have declined about the same […]

Paying Your Income Taxes in Retirement

Paying Income Taxes in Retirement

When making the transition from your working years to retirement, a common concern or question that comes up is, “How do I pay my taxes in retirement?”  I had this conversation with two clients recently as many retirees are unsure of how taxes work in retirement. Key Takeaways: As a retiree, you pay your income […]

Seven Strategies to Withdraw Corporate Assets for Retirement

Corporate Assests for Retirement

A great strategy that many owners of Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPC) use to build up retirement savings is to invest within their corporation using the benefit of the tax deferral between their personal income tax rate and the small business income tax rate. At retirement business owners may end up with investment assets within their […]

Nine Tax Strategies to Pay Less Tax in Retirement

strategies for retirement

Income tax is one of the largest expenses any retiree has. The Fraser Institute Report indicated that Canadians paid 45% of income as taxes in 2019.  Your goal in retirement should be to organize your income stream to: reduce the amount of tax you may have to pay  preserve any government tax credits preserve government […]

The 38 Blog Posts from 2021

financial assistance

I would like to thank all of you who have visited our blog and website. Below I have sorted the 38 blog posts I wrote last year by topic of interest to make the content easier to find. Some of the articles are good, some are ok, and some are……  Feel free to forward them […]

What do I do if I don’t want to be an executor?


The question that arises occasionally from clients is: Can you turn down the role of an executor if you are named one?  Why turn it down? You may not want to be the executor due to family conflict, or the job may be too much for you. So, can you turn the role down?  The simple […]

Risks to Retirement Income Planning

retirement income planning

Retirement Income Planning is a speciality in the world of financial advice. There are specific risks that are different from simply saving for retirement. It requires a different skillset for the advisor to be able to plan for the specific risks when developing an income plan that will last a family’s entire lifetime.   From my […]