Paying Your Income Taxes in Retirement

When making the transition from your working years to retirement, a common concern or question that comes up is, “How do I pay my taxes in retirement?” I had this conversation with two clients recently as many retirees are unsure of how taxes work in retirement. Key Takeaways: As a retiree, you pay your income […]
Key Tax Credits to Review

Key Tax Credits to Review As everyone begins to assemble their tax documents to complete their 2021 income tax returns, there are some tax credits you will not want to overlook. Be sure to bring any expenses to your accountant. Here is a helpful list. Carry Charges If you have a fee-based investment account, the […]
Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Income Splitting

Income tax is one of the largest expenses any retiree has. A smart tax strategy to reduce a family’s overall tax burden is to split the income. This means to shift income from a spouse or common law partner (CLP) who is in a higher tax bracket to one who is in a lower tax bracket.