Should we take Advantage of our unused RRSP contribution limits?

Discussion on the advantages of unused RRSP contributions.

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® A common question that we receive every year prior to the RRSP deadline is should we take advantage of our unused RRSP contribution limits? Your RRSP deduction limit is how much you can contribute to your RRSP based on your prior […]

The Essential Steps as You Prepare for Retirement

The Essential Steps as You Prepare for Retirement

Download the White Paper: How to Make the Transition to Retirement HERE.   Typically, within 5 years of your projected retirement or work-optional date, it’s important to start taking key steps to ensure a smooth transition. This is a critical period to begin aligning your financial strategies with your future lifestyle goals.  While everyone’s situation is […]

Rebalancing Your Portfolio

By Rebalancing Your Portfolio and creating a systematic plan, you are able to take advantage of global market fluctuations.

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® Today we are going to be reviewing portfolio rebalancing, and how it can be used to your advantage. Sometimes it is hard to know when to make adjustments and when to leave your portfolio alone. By creating a systematic plan, you […]

The Four Essential Family Conversations

There are four essential conversations that families should be having concerning their financial and estate plans.

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® Based on my experience of helping many families over the years, I have found that there are four essential conversations that families should be having concerning their financial and estate plans. They are: The Estate Documents Conversation The Eldercare Conversation The […]

You better have a Plan for a Retirement Home

You better have a plan for a retirement home

“You better have a Plan for a Retirement Home, as I am not funding that bill.” Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® While having dinner with our daughter Paige the other night, the topic of money came up.  Paige told us, “you better have a plan for […]

How Business Owners Can Boost Retirement Savings with an Individual Pension Plan (IPP)

Business Owners can Boost Retirement Savings with IPP. Contact Jack Lumsden MBA, CFP in Burlington.

As a Canadian business owner or incorporated professional, planning for retirement goes beyond relying on your business value. An Individual Pension Plan (IPP) offers a strategic retirement tool, particularly beneficial for high-income earners aged 40 and above. What is an IPP? An Individual Pension Plan (IPP) is a defined benefit pension plan registered with the […]

What are the Top 26 Estate Planning Tips to Consider?

Tips for estate planning with Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP, Financial Advisor

Estate Planning helps ensure a stress-free transition of your assets to the next generation or intended beneficiaries. Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® The Top 26 Estate Planning Tips… from Preserving Wealth: The Next Generation. Have up-to-date wills. Have up-to-date powers of attorney for both property and […]

What are the key items to consider when reviewing your insurance needs?

Key items to consider when reviewing your insurance needs.

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® As we clattered around in the kitchen, we sum­marized the major points from our discussion about insurance: 1. Many people underestimate the amount of insurance they need and/or buy the wrong kind.  For short-term needs (less than twenty years), buy term […]

Preserving Wealth: Chapter Six, Estate Planning – Wills and Powers of Attorney

Authored by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd. Chapter Six discusses Estate Planning Wills and Powers of Attorney.

Authored by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.  Chapter 6 discusses the intricacies of estate planning, focusing on wills and powers of attorney. On a rainy Saturday morning over breakfast Uncle Wayne leads a detailed discussion on ensuring one’s estate is managed according to personal wishes, covering everything from the basics […]

Preserving Wealth: Chapter Five, Protecting Your Family

Jack Lumsden discusses the importance of protecting your family with proper insurance.

Authored by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.  Chapter 5 of Preserving Wealth discusses the crucial topic of protecting your family through proper life insurance planning. During a lively weekend gathering, led by Uncle Wayne, they explore different types of life insurance, assess their coverage needs, and discuss the importance of […]