Why the Legacy Conversation is Important

Why the Legacy Conversation is so Important

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® The Legacy conversation is an important talk to have with your children and beneficiaries in order to reduce stress and potential conflict in the future.  It will put your children at ease and provide for peace of mind as they know […]

The Real Affect of Taxes and Inflation on Investment Returns

The Real Affect of Taxes and Inflation on Investment Returns

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® Over the long term, taxation and inflation reduces your real purchasing power. The result can be quite dramatic and must be taken into consideration when investing. How do Taxes and Inflation affect investment returns? “You haven’t considered the other risk factors […]

What should you expect in regular progress meetings with your advisor?

Regular Progress Meetings

Regular progress meetings should be scheduled during the year to update and adjust your retirement income plan. Your advisor should behave more like a guide to help you navigate the changes in your life by adjusting your Retirement Road Map to keep it on track. As part of this effort, a regular and ongoing review […]

Why Invest in the Stock Market?

Invest in the Stock Market

With the current stock market gyrations, people may wonder why they should invest in the stock market at all since stocks are not guaranteed and their values can go up and down.   To help frame it better, it may be useful to replace the words “stock market”  with the word “companies.”  If you own a […]