Game Plan Strategy: Beneficiary Financial Checklist

We’re here to help you stay on track with your financial goals. This monthly checklist is designed to keep your financial plan moving in the right direction—one step at a time. Taking a few minutes to review this now can help you make informed decisions and stay ahead of any financial surprises. Office Hours Have […]
Appendix D: Executor Checklist

For your FREE Copy of Preserving Wealth CLICK HERE The duties of Executor/Executrix/Liquidator in Quebec (referred to as the Executor throughout this document) require you to take on the responsibility of administering the estate and carrying out the last wishes of the deceased. The Last Will and Testament is the legally binding record of the […]
The Three Estate Buckets

Annually with clients, we review how their estate will be distributed to their beneficiaries. We determine if there are any changes in their desires, or opportunities to save taxes and/or fees. In a recent webinar by Michael Kitces, Mathew Jarvis, a US Financial Advisor, shared a concept he uses with clients called the Estate Buckets. I […]