The Six Levers to Retirement Income Planning

Retirement Income Planning

When you are about to make the big transition from your working years to your work optional or retirement years, you will need to create a lifetime income from the financial assets you have accumulated to replace the monthly paycheque you received when working. To do this, there are six key levers that you can […]

Key Points for Wills and Powers of Attorney’s

Wills and Power of Attorney

Families during COVID-19 have realized that they should focus on concerns such as planning the family’s future. One of the most difficult challenges a Certified Financial Planner® has is to encourage clients to update and/or review their estate plan and documents. Often families tend to put this off, as it is not seen as urgent. […]

Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Avoid the OAS Recovery Tax

OAS Recovery Tax

It’s smart tax planning for retirees to arrange their income to avoid this clawback if possible. Some strategies to review are:  Income split with your spouse/CLP (Common Law Partner) Tax effective non-registered investments Review the start date of your RRIF Use the younger spouse/CLP’s age for RRIF payments Use TFSAs Trigger large capital gains prior […]

Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Income Splitting

Income Splitting

Income tax is one of the largest expenses any retiree has. A smart tax strategy to reduce a family’s overall tax burden is to split the income. This means to shift income from a spouse or common law partner (CLP) who is in a higher tax bracket to one who is in a lower tax bracket.