How Much Are You Spending? A Hack to the Inevitable Question Everyone Wishes to Avoid from a CFP® Professional
Written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Assante Financial Management, with additional editing by ChatGPT. This question often induces unease as it delves into a reality many prefer to overlook. Before retirement enters the picture, the majority tend to align their spending with their earnings. If the inflow of money surpasses the outflow, tranquility […]
Ontario Staycation Tax Credit
If you are travelling in Ontario this year, be sure to keep track of your accommodation expenses as they can help you reduce your taxes. For 2022 Ontario has introduced a tax credit up to 20% of your accommodation expenses for stays in a hotel, campground, and/or cottage. WHAT CAN YOU CLAIM: You can claim up […]
Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Keep Track of Health & Medical Expenses
A smart tax strategy during retirement is to keep track of your medical expenses and take advantage of any credits that may be available.