Three of our Best Ideas for December

Our Monthly 3-2-1 Newsletter Wrap-up 2024: A Simple Financial Checklist As we approach the end of 2024, now is the perfect time to take stock of your finances and make sure everything is in place for a successful 2025. We’ve organized this checklist to cover the most important areas for your year-end review: FHSA Eligibility […]
What are the Top 26 Estate Planning Tips to Consider?

Estate Planning helps ensure a stress-free transition of your assets to the next generation or intended beneficiaries. Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® The Top 26 Estate Planning Tips… from Preserving Wealth: The Next Generation. Have up-to-date wills. Have up-to-date powers of attorney for both property and […]
The Estate Documents Conversation

Excerpts from the Book – Preserving Wealth – written by Jack Lumsden, MBA, CFP® Living through the COVID-19 Pandemic has made more people review their estate plans and ensure they have what is required. A critical part of this review is to include an Estate Documents Conversation with their family. The point is, why create […]
Chapter Seven: So, You’re an Executor – What are Your Duties and Liabilities?

For your FREE Copy of Preserving Wealth, CLICK HERE The first three days of our vacation were perfect. The temperature was near thirty degrees, with just enough of a breeze for windsurfing. The kids were behaving, and all seemed right with the world. Sally was at the cottage this week, too but was staying up […]
Planning your Will and Powers of Attorney

A common question we received is what we should consider when planning our wills and powers of attorney. The following excerpt from the Book – Preserving Wealth describes this. APPENDIX C: PLANNING YOUR WILL AND POWERS OF ATTORNEY Introduction This document contains background information regarding the planning of your Will and Powers of Attorney. Its […]
Can we give money to our children to help with a home purchase?

In meeting with clients a common question we hear is, “Can we give money to our children to help with a home purchase?” With real estate prices today, the only way many young adults can afford to purchase a home is with help from the bank of Mom and Dad. People often ask if there […]
Trusts for Retirees – Probate Planning

When estate planning, most retirees wish to review strategies to avoid probate fees, which in Ontario are 1.5% of the value of the asset that is distributed via a will. A potential client asked, “Can trusts be used to avoid probate costs when we transfer assets to the next generation?” The answer is yes. For retirees, […]
The Three Estate Buckets

Annually with clients, we review how their estate will be distributed to their beneficiaries. We determine if there are any changes in their desires, or opportunities to save taxes and/or fees. In a recent webinar by Michael Kitces, Mathew Jarvis, a US Financial Advisor, shared a concept he uses with clients called the Estate Buckets. I […]
What do I do if I don’t want to be an executor?

The question that arises occasionally from clients is: Can you turn down the role of an executor if you are named one? Why turn it down? You may not want to be the executor due to family conflict, or the job may be too much for you. So, can you turn the role down? The simple […]
Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: Take Advantage of Key Tax Credits

As a retiree, there are a few tax credits you should be aware of which may reduce your tax bill. Every dollar you save in tax means either more spending and/or preserving your wealth for you.