Get In touch

Ask Jack

Financial Planning can be a daunting topic. That is where I come in. I can help you with questions you may have around money, investing and budgeting. Whether you are saving for school, buying a home, trying to start a business, looking to retire, or have another question, why not ask Jack.

If you want to improve your financial planning and resources, you can request a meeting and we would love to help!

Your personal information will not be distributed, sold, or traded – it will remain strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. For more information on Assante’s commitment to privacy and responsible use of information, please visit

Call Jack at 905-332-5503

1100 Walkers Line Suite 502

Burlington, ON L7N 2G3




  • QEW to Walkers Line.
  • Go north on Walkers Line, turn left at the North Service Road (the first set of lights).
  • Take the first right into the building entrance.
  • You cannot turn left into the building from Walkers Line driving north.


  • As you drive south on Walkers Line, you can turn right into the building entrance just after the train overpass.
  • The name at the top of the building is NFP.